Kansai International Airport:Sign Renewal 2015


Kansai International Airport sign renewal project has come to the end by the modification of International departure lobby on the fourth floor in March 2015. The upsizing security gates and information counters for easier identification, and the dark blue mono-tone signs for clear legibilities are the features.

The security gate entrance has become much larger than before and the triangle shaped banners help its visibility from a far distance.

The security gate entrance has become much larger than before and the triangle shaped banners help its visibility from a far distance.

The information counters were also arranged larger and a little bit moved forward for identification.

The information counters were also arranged larger and a little bit moved forward for identification.

The flight information boards were downsized by two 50 inch LCD monitors instead of the 5m height huge gate style, which made clear visibility to the security gates.

The flight information boards were downsized by two 50 inch LCD monitors instead of the 5m height huge gate style, which made clear visibility to the security gates.